quick pasta recipes

Pasta with Artichokes and Pine Nuts

Real Mom Prep Time:   just as long as it takes to cook the pasta!

2 cups   500 mL

small pasta shells or macaroni



1 jar   1 jar

marinated artichokes

  Pour the liquid into a deep skillet.

(6 oz)

  (170 mL)


  Cut the drained artichokes into




  quarters and set aside.






  Heat the liquid on med-high heat.







onion, chopped

  Add to skillet.



red sweet pepper, slivered


2 Tbsp

  30 mL

pine nuts

1   1

clove garlic, crushed









  Saute for about 5 minutes, until




  nuts are golden and onion is




  beginning to be soft.








  Add drained artichokes.




  Cook for a minute more.




  Remove from heat.




  Toss sauce with cooked pasta.




1/3 cup   75 mL

grated Parmesan cheese

  Add to pasta. Toss to mix well.
1/3 cup   75 mL

sour cream